Michael B
My name is Michael Bien, I’m 56 years old and work as a Director of Project Management. March will mark my 2-year anniversary. I never worked with a trainer prior to coming to Marino’s, but I had specific goals and knew I needed guidance. My son’s friend was a member of Marino’s Athletic Performance and credited his 4-year rugby career, injury free, to his time at Marino’s.
Marino’s is like an extended family. You can feel how much they care about you; they are passionate about making sure you get the most out of your workout. What is even more impressive is their level of professionalism and attention to detail in designing programs specifically for each client. There isn’t a “one size fits all” approach as everyone has unique needs. For example, I wanted to work on my flexibility and cardiovascular health while someone else may want to work on balance training or needs help losing weight. You get what YOU need.
A true testament of character is revealed in times of crisis. The pandemic proved their character and their commitment to their clients. We switched to online programming, we participated in a socially distanced drive-by, and we continued to have 1-1 contact with our coaches. When we were allowed back in the gym, not only was the floor redesigned to ensure our safety, but they invested in new equipment, despite the financial hardships they faced.
I want to go into retirement in the best possible shape so I can enjoy whatever the future brings. I want to be around for my family and be able to roll around on the floor with my future grandkids. It’s true, my wife likes my new “guns” but working out is for my health. A healthy body in motion, stays in motion, and I don’t intend to stop. With the right environment and the rights coaches, fitness can actually be fun.