Lessons We’ve Learned to Prioritize Your Health & Safety
During the past year, we faced a difficult time that forced us to take some uncomfortable measures to maintain a safe environment for our community. Although the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is likely in our rearview, we are prepared to continue to adhere to PA State and CDC guidelines should they become necessary in the future. Moreover, we learned some valuable lessons that have enabled us to implement policies and procedures that will enhance the safety of our environment for our clients now and into the future.
Lesson #1
If you feel sick, please stay home. There’s a reason that open gyms have a reputation for being germ factories. Many people generally don’t think twice about exercising when they’re sick.
Cold and flu viruses tend to enter facilities like ours when people who feel “a little under the weather”, come in to exercise anyway. We believe that a little self-responsibility and awareness can go a long way for our community. We uphold this policy for our staff as well.
As an alternative, if you’re not quite sure, and it may just be a little hay fever, simply wear a mask to reduce the risk of spreading an unknown illness to others.
Lesson #2
Please wash your hands prior to entering the training floor, before touching your face, and when you leave.
I think we’ve all had it beaten into our heads that washing hands is the #1 way to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases.
Lesson #3
Create strategic ways to enhance the cleanliness of our facility.
We ask that all clients change into “gym shoes” in the lobby or exercise in their socks to avoid additional germs, bacteria, and dirt from being tracked into the gym. You will appreciate this the first time we ask you to get on the floor for an exercise.
We provide microfiber cloths for cleaning up your stations and equipment after use. Microfiber cloths are highly effective at trapping dirt and bacteria.
Spray bottles are provided with a CDC-approved disinfectant to sanitize equipment after use.
Our Floors are mopped regularly with a CDC-approved disinfectant and the turf is sprayed nightly with Progienics Carpet Disinfectant and Deodorizer.
We Are Here for You
In order to provide the best service to all clients, we have a few simple asks:
1. Be “on-time” for your training sessions.
2. Don’t make us police you. Our policies are designed for the good of the community. If you don’t think you can adhere to them, we’re probably not the best place for you.
3. Be respectful of others and cancel your session as soon as you know you can't make it. Give someone else a chance to come in and train.